Career Counseling

‘Do what you love, and never work a day in your life!’ …Rings true, doesn’t it?

Many people spend more time at work than at home, averaging 8 hours a day, for 40 hours a week. Eight hours of fulfillment, compared to 8 hours of drudgery is self-evident. Making a living does not preclude the reality that we want and need more… not just to make a living, but to make a life.

Most people recognize the value of work as more than the expression of educational, professional, intellectual, ethical, and creative energies. We understand its meaning and value and feel diminished when these rich dimensions of life are missing, or thwarted. Our career, even as a carer and homemaker, is the living demonstration of our deepest self-expression, as unique as we are.

In life, as we change and grow, our careers alter to reflect our evolving skills, desires, and philosophies. Not surprisingly, most people will change careers four or five times during their working life, either by force, necessity, or will. However, our active choices for work always have one thing in common…us! Effective career counseling can bridge the gap between finding a good fit for your life goals and personality, and wasting time in a career that doesn’t fit, or is unrewarding.

Career Counseling Is For Everyone

Effective career counseling is a scientific, investigative process that marries a person’s natural abilities and predispositions to existing work roles, to achieve a ‘best fit.’ Whether you are a student looking for a major; whether you are transitioning from one phase of life to another; whether your expectations for your profession are not quite satisfied, but you are unsure how to proceed… professional career counseling provides tools to take calculated risks, with a road map for how to achieve your goals.

To Get You Where You Want To Be 

Using instruments such as John Holland’s RIASEC codes, the Strong Interest Inventory, and the Department of Labor’s O*Net, professional career counselors interpret personality and occupational data to generate best-fit options, generating realistic plans to achieve a client’s goals.

"RIASEC": John Holland’s multi-dimensional model of personality theory devised for occupational counseling, has stood the test of time.

R = Realistic (Doers)
I = Investigative (Thinkers) 
A = Artistic (Creators)
S = Social (Helpers)
E = Enterprising (Persuaders)
C = Conventional (Organizers) 

Rarely are people’s interests only one-dimensional.

The skill of the career counselor is to work collaboratively with the client to generate realistic options, possibilities, and choices in a comprehensive report. Supportive activities beyond the report may include: résumé writing, cover letters, reference seeking, portfolio building, interview practice, and more.

To schedule an appointment with a professional Career
Counselor, contact Peggy Mathias (
or call 325-944-2561.

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